
Monday 7 December 2015

Evaluation for the year’s work

Evaluation for the year’s work—view and look at Term 1, 2, 3, 4 work in Reading, Inquiry (Science.

Social studies, Health and Technology)

What did I learn? In Term 1 we learnt how Plants adapt in places. In term 2 We learnt about ANZAC day and what the ANZAC’s did. In term 3 we learnt about marbles and other types of marbles. In term 4 we learnt about toys in the 1900’s.           

Why were you learning it? We learnt about plants so we can take care of it. We learnt about ANZAC because it is a special day for New Zealand and Australia. We learnt about marbles to have fun. We learnt about toys so that we could make a toy.

How is that learning going to help you?  by reviewing on it, this will help me in the future.

What am I pleased about? completing most of my work and posting them on my blog.

Who helped you in your learning? My teacher (Mrs Cochrane) and my parents.

What do I need help with? My Grammar and neatness.   

What do I want to learn next time? Space, Gravity.

With digital learning- more apps we use to do writing.

What are the interesting things you have learned in digital learning? Sketchpad and powtoon

How is that going to help you in your further learning? By using them for presentations and art.

What are the things I think I need to learn more in digital learning? how to work everything on my chromebook and organising my work properly.


  1. Hey Josh! I like your evaluation of this year's work. I agree with you that we need to work on our grammar and being tidy. I hope that next year will be a great year like this one. Keep up the good work Josh!

  2. OK, thanks for the comment Maranita!


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