
Monday 4 May 2015

Contamination of water

Contamination of water

I wonder how it will be with contaminated water? If litter gets thrown into the drain it can cause death to sea creatures because the litter goes straight to the waterways and goes to the rivers, streams, oceans and the sea. Our families keep the finest trees with the finest fruit and veggies so we put pesticides. We put pesticides on so insects don’t go to the tree and eat it. When the rain comes down the pesticides come off and goes down to the drain and destroys the clean water.

Acid rain can be caused by water that is contaminated with litter. When the rain comes down and you get in the rain you might feel itchy because the water that went up to the clouds is dirty. If this keeps happening there might be diseases and viruses going around.

Contaminated water can break the food chain and can cause extinction. If the litter gets eaten by an animal the animal will choke and die. If whales sharks, fish etc. get extinct the food chain will be broken. The animals that eat fish and sharks will starve to death! Men and women will not get to get any more fish because the food chain will be broken.

If you don’t want to drink unclean water do not litter anywhere even if you are just in your garden.
By: Joshua C.


  1. Hi Joshua C,
    I liked your Contaminated Water. The pictures really show what people have done they've been littering. Keep it Up!


  2. Hi Joshua C,
    I liked your Contaminated Water. The pictures really show what people have done they've been littering. Keep it Up!



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