
Thursday 30 April 2015



ANZAC is an acronym that means Australian New Zealand Army Corp. ANZAC is an army of New Zealand and Australia and they fight together as one army. Some NZ and Australian men were young. Many of New Zealand and Australian  troops died in the war.
We commemorate ANZAC because the ANZAC reminds us about the war in Gallipoli, Turkey. We remember soldiers that died in that war. Australia and New Zealand is an army that fought with pride.
We commemorate ANZAC by wearing the red poppies. We also commemorate ANZAC by baking delicious ANZAC  biscuits. We can also go to Gallipoli and go to the place where the soldiers fought in.  
The dawn celebration starts at 4:00 am- 6:00 am. When it is 5:30 am people are led to the combat memorial museum. When the ceremony is about to be finished people have some time to pray for the soldiers that died in the war.

By: Joshua C.
