
Friday 22 May 2015

Guinea pig gang

Guinea pig gang
Guinea pig gang is about children with pet guinea pigs. The main characters are Ginny, Carla, Lisa and Pam. Lisa’s sister Jennifer has a pet guinea pig that she won’t share. Jennifer’s guinea pig’s name is Carla. Carla soon gets sick when Jennifer was about to enter the pet contest (welford show). All Jennifer wanted was the award.

My favourite part was when the guinea pig gang got together at Pam’s house. I liked it because Pam got to show the guinea pig’s to Lisa, Mandy and James.

I recommend this book 8-11 because it has some tricky words that 7       and below wouldn't  understand.                               

Wednesday 13 May 2015

A Great Helper for Great Apes

A Great Helper for Great Apes

Birute Mary Galdikas is an ape caretaker that studied apes for around 40 years. The apes lived in rainforests in Borneo and Sumatra. Galdikas’s teacher is a man that studies the past and the future. His name is Louis Leaky. Louis Leaky helps Galdikas to study the apes in the Borneo. The TFK interviewed Galdikas about her interest about the apes. She is also interviewed to see how she can save apes from vanishing to extinction. The apes need help to keep them alive. The apes are dangerous but we should still allow them to be alive.

Galdikas should be the one taking care of the apes that are homeless. Even when  Galdikas wanted to take care of apes when she was 7 years old she wanted to take care of apes! She is so passionate about apes.

Please do not kill apes by cutting down the trees of the forest and please do not stop caring about the apes. The apes need your support to live

By: Joshua C.

Monday 11 May 2015

ANZAC presentation

Fossil discovery of hippos

Fossil discovery of hippos
The scientist believed that the fossils they found evolved from an ancestry of a plant-eating, semi-aquatic mammals named anthracotheres. The scientists couldn't confirm their finding because it was discovered 15,000 years ago.

Lihoreau and his team of scientist tripped upon a jaw that became visible to be from the anthracotheres family. They found from their diggings  teeth that turned out to be from the anthracotheres species/family.

The scientists discovered that the ancient hippos weighed 220 pounds. It was related to the whales that swam in the ocean because this species lived in the water too, just like the whales. It is called the real African mammal because it is originally from Africa.

Jesus strand

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Mummified monk

The mummified monk that rests inside an ancient Buddha statue

In a museum there was a Buddha statue that had a monk inside. It was discovered by researchers. The private owner of the Buddha was trying to restore the gold-paint on the outer part of the Buddha statue. When the preservationist removed the timber platform, the preservationist saw two pillows under the Buddha statue. The preservationist also saw Chinese characters in a lotus stance. In 2014, the statue was lent to the museum in the Netherlands. Two of the men scientists agreed that they should do a CT scan.

In the ancient ritual that a monk will go inside a Buddha and was allowed to slowly eat a diet of nuts,  berries, tree bark and pine needles until he is at the edge of death. People trust that the skeleton belongs to Liuquan. The scientists still don’t know why Liuquan (the monk in the Buddha statue) was encased in the statue for 200 years. The secret was revealed at Hungary’s natural history museum in Budapest.

By: Joshua C.

Monday 4 May 2015


Imagine how it would be with no trees, Oxygen, fruits or veggies?  People just cut down trees if its just for 1 single building? Deforestation can make us die because we won’t have any more oxygen to breathe in.

If people cut down hundreds of trees everyday. We humans can be affected with lung diseases. We can die from all these lung diseases we might have. It can also affect the animals that are in that area because animals also breathe in oxygen.

People cut down trees to make farmlands, furniture and roads. It is not useful just for farmlands. Why can’t they make it in an open space?  
Most of New Zealand’s trees are gone because people are making it into furniture .

It can be solved by, not cutting lots of trees on the same day and grow more trees. People can also make private places so that they can’t cut down trees in that area.     
Screenshot 2015-03-10 at 12.48.46.png


Contamination of water

Contamination of water

I wonder how it will be with contaminated water? If litter gets thrown into the drain it can cause death to sea creatures because the litter goes straight to the waterways and goes to the rivers, streams, oceans and the sea. Our families keep the finest trees with the finest fruit and veggies so we put pesticides. We put pesticides on so insects don’t go to the tree and eat it. When the rain comes down the pesticides come off and goes down to the drain and destroys the clean water.

Acid rain can be caused by water that is contaminated with litter. When the rain comes down and you get in the rain you might feel itchy because the water that went up to the clouds is dirty. If this keeps happening there might be diseases and viruses going around.

Contaminated water can break the food chain and can cause extinction. If the litter gets eaten by an animal the animal will choke and die. If whales sharks, fish etc. get extinct the food chain will be broken. The animals that eat fish and sharks will starve to death! Men and women will not get to get any more fish because the food chain will be broken.

If you don’t want to drink unclean water do not litter anywhere even if you are just in your garden.
By: Joshua C.

Fruit flies

Image by
As I drive pass Mt. Albert to pick up my sister, I see a big sign that says “ Beware you are in the fruit fly area”. What will be the effects to the resources of New Zealand?

Fruit flies harm lots and lots of our fruits and veggies. That is called contamination. The economy of NZ will go down. The biosecurity is not safe because that is how fruit flies get into New Zealand.

The horrible fruit flies get to pass New Zealand’s biosecurity lots of times because they are very tiny. The money will go down if the fruit flies infest all the fruits and veggies. Fruit flies can give us diseases and we can die from the diseases.

We can get rid of the fruit flies by spraying insecticide or by making fruit fly traps.
