Netherlands is in the west of Europe. Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands. Their currency are euros. One NZ dollar is equivalent to 0.64 Euros. Their population is around 17 million in 2016.
Netherlands is one of the small countries in Europe. It is next to a big country named Germany. Amsterdam is the biggest city in Netherlands. The size of Netherlands is 41,543 km2.
Dutch people have 3 languages they can speak. The 3 languages are Dutch, Frisian and Papiamento. The most spoken language is Dutch. Frisian and Papiamento is not that common.
Roman Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist are the religions in Netherlands. The most populated religion is Roman Catholic. Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu are the least populated. Did you know that Roman Catholic is less than 50% populated, yet they are still the most populated religion in Netherlands.
Some popular food from Netherlands are Sate and Stamppot. Sate is a type of barbecue kebab. Stamppot is a type of dish with sausage, nuts, rice and some chili sauce. Stamppot is also a famous indonesian dish.
Football or also known as soccer is the most famous sport of Netherlands although they do not have a football team in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Tennis is the second most famous sport in the Netherlands. They are involved in lots of sports this Olympics but they are not in all.